Apply for UFCW Local 700 Union Scholarship Program Today!

UFCW Local 700 awards $22,000 per year in scholarships to members or dependents. Applicants must be UFCW Local 700 members in good standing, or their legal dependents; have graduated or will graduate from high school or are currently enrolled in college or trade school; must have completed the SAT or ACT; and must be accepted to …

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UFCW Local 700 Members Approve New Contract with Kroger for Indianapolis Stores

Your UFCW Local 700 Union Bargaining Committee is proud to announce that members of UFCW Local 700 have overwhelmingly approved a new, three-year contract with Kroger for Indianapolis stores. The newcontract covers more than 9,000 workers in 71 stores in the Indianapolis Area. By sticking together in negotiations, we won: Guaranteed pay increases over the …

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Indianapolis Kroger Contract Vote Schedule

Union Representatives and Bargaining Committee Members will be in stores on Monday, June 10, and Tuesday, June 11, to discuss details of the proposed contract and answer questions. Voting will take place on Wednesday, June 12, and Thursday, June 13. You may vote in the time and location most convenient for you; only union members may …

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UFCW Local 700, Kroger Reach Tentative Agreement for Indianapolis Contract

Your UFCW Local 700 Union Bargaining Committee is proud to announce that we’ve reached a tentative agreement with Kroger for a new, three-year contract; the proposed contract covers more than 9,000 workers in 71 stores in the Indianapolis Area. YOUR UNION OFFICERS, STAFF, AND UNION BARGAINING COMMITTEE RECOMMEND A YES VOTE TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED …

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Union Members Approve New Contract with ConAgra Bakery

Members of UFCW Local 700 overwhelmingly approved a new, three-year contract with ConAgra Bakery.  Terms of the new contract were effective upon its approval. Sticking together, we were able to win contract improvements that will make ConAgra an even better place to work. The new contract provides stronger seniority language to help workers qualify for …

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UFCW700 Member Appreciation Night at Indy Indians!

Join us on Friday, July 19, to see the Indianapolis Indians vs. Durham Bulls. The game starts at 715pm, and there are fireworks following the game! Picnic from 530pm-730pm includes hot dogs, burgers, BBQ chicken, salad, cookies, soft drinks. Tickets only $5 each (includes picnic, game, fireworks). Reserve your tickets by June 21, pay by …

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Join UFCW Local 700 for a Night at Ft. Wayne Tin Caps!

Join UFCW Local 700 for a night at the ballpark and see the Ft. Wayne Tin Caps vs. Cedar Rapids Kernels on July 20 at 605pm (game time). Just $5 per ticket includes: All-You-Can-Eat Picnic from 505pm – 635pm Hot dogs, burgers, grilled chicken, pulled pork, mac and cheese, fresh fruit, pasta salad, baked beans, …

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New Dates for Indianapolis Negotiations

Your UFCW Local 700 Bargaining Committee is reviewing, analyzing, and costing additional contract proposals. We will meet again with the company on June 5 and June 6 to continue negotiations for a new Indianapolis Kroger contract. We’ve made progress on contract language and expect most of our discussion on these new dates to focus on …

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Indianapolis Kroger Contract Extended

Your UFCW Local 700 Bargaining Committee has been meeting with representatives from the Kroger Co. this week. We’ve exchanged health care proposals and received a wage proposal from the Company; there has also been progress on contract language. In negotiations, we are working for guaranteed pay increases over the life of the contract; protecting affordable, …

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UFCW700, Kroger Continue Negotiations for Indianapolis Contract

Your UFCW Local 700 Bargaining Committee met with representatives from the Kroger Co. yesterday, May 6, and today, May 7. We’ve made good progress on items related to contract language, and are working to resolve some outstanding issues. The Company presented its health care proposal today, which we are reviewing and costing. Our focus in …

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