Union Announces Ft. Wayne Kroger Contract Vote Schedule

Union Representatives and Negotiating Committee Members will be in stores to discuss details of the proposed contract and answer questions. Voting will take place on Thurs., August 18, and Fri., August 19. Union Officers, Staff, and Negotiating Committee recommend a YES VOTE TO APPROVE the proposed contract. Only union members may vote on the contract. Members …

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UFCW700 Extends Union Scholarship Deadline

UFCW Local 700 proudly awards $22,000 per year in scholarships to members or dependents. Applicants must be UFCW Local 700 members in good standing, or their legal dependents; have graduated or will graduate from high school or are currently enrolled in college or trade school; must have completed the SAT or ACT; and must be accepted …

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Union Announces Indianapolis Kroger Contract Vote Schedule

Negotiating Committee Members and Union Representatives will be in stores to discuss details of the proposed contract and answer questions. Contract voting will take place from Wednesday, July 13, through Friday, July 15.  Your Union Negotiating Committee, Officers, and Staff recommend a YES VOTE TO APPROVE the proposed contract. Only union members may vote on the contract. …

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UFCW Local 700, Kroger Reach Tentative Agreement for Indianapolis Contract

Your UFCW Local 700 Union Negotiating Committee is proud to announce that we’ve reached a tentative agreement with Kroger for a new, three-year contract; the proposed contract covers more than 8,000 workers at 68 stores  in Central Indiana. YOUR UNION NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE, OFFICERS, AND STAFF RECOMMEND A YES VOTE TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED CONTRACT. The new contract …

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UFCW Local 700 – Kroger Continue Indianapolis Contract Negotiations

Your UFCW Local 700 Negotiating Committee met with Kroger representatives to bargain the Indianapolis contract, which covers more than 8,000 workers at 68 stores in Central Indiana. The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) is continuing to assist with negotiations. Both sides discussed their priorities and concerns; over the next few days, your Union Negotiating …

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UFCW Local 700 – Kroger Continue Indianapolis Contract Negotiations

Your UFCW Local 700 Negotiating Committee met with Kroger representatives to continue bargaining for the Indianapolis contract, which covers more than 8,000 workers at 68 stores in Central Indiana. The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) was present again for today’s session. The Negotiating Committee and company representatives continued to discuss and evaluate proposals and …

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