Union Bargaining Committee Prepares for Ft. Wayne Kroger Negotiations

In just a few weeks, UFCW Local 700 will begin bargaining for about 2,500 members working in 24 Kroger stores around Ft. Wayne.  We’ve been preparing over the last few months and appreciate your participation in our bargaining and proposal survey; this input is very important to develop our priorities for negotiations. Your UFCW Local …

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Kentucky Speedway Union Discount

UFCW Local 700  members can get discounted tickets for the Quaker State 400 on June 28. Download the flyer here: UNION Discount Flyer

May 16 is Member Appreciation Night

Join your Local 700 sisters and brothers for the 8th annual member appreciation night at Victory Field. Tickets are $5/person and include the picnic buffet and the game. Stay for the fireworks!