Labor Day Art Contest Opens!

Every year, we celebrate Labor Day to honor working people and all their contributions to our country and its middle class. The UFCW is made up of hard-working men and women who serve in our communities at retail and grocery stores, meatpacking and processing plants, and countless other facilities across multiple industries. This year, the …

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In this election: What matters most to your family?

This election season, UFCW International President Marc Perrone wants to make sure the campaigns know what issues matter most to our union family, and how they plan to address them. To do this, UFCW is asking for your input on what issues are your priority for the next four years. We will then take those issues and …

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UFCW700 Members Approve First Contract with Chartwells

After fighting for years to win their union, workers at Chartwells approved their first contract! About sixty people work in cafeteria services at Anderson University; they are employed by Compass Group, a major corporation that manages vending machines and cafeteria staff for mostly schools, private prisons, and large workplaces. Like too many other companies across …

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UFCW700 Members Approve New Indianapolis Kroger Contract

UFCWMembers of UFCW Local 700 approved a new three-year contract for over 8,000 Kroger workers in the Indianapolis area. The new agreement includes guaranteed wage increases; improves contract language; secures quality, affordable health care; maintains employee weekly contributions; and protects retirement security. These contract gains are in addition to new, higher wage scales and advance …

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Indianapolis ConAgra Workers Join UFCW700 Union Family

On May 5, hardworking men and women at a ConAgra plant in Indianapolis voted to join the UFCW union family and become part of UFCW Local 700. Nearly 300 workers make Marie Callendar’s pies at the plant, which was formerly owned by another company and purchased by ConAgra about three years ago. Organizers handbilled the …

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UFCW700, Kroger Reach Tentative Agreement for Indianapolis Contract

  Your UFCW Local 700 Union Bargaining Committee reached a tentative agreement with the Company for a new Indianapolis Kroger contract. The proposed three-year agreement includes guaranteed wage increases; improves contract language; secures quality, affordable health care; maintains employee weekly contributions; and protects retirement security. We were able to complete bargaining more quickly than normal …

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Negotiations Continue for Indianapolis Kroger Contract

Your UFCW Local 700 Union Bargaining Committee met with Company representatives this week to continue bargaining a new Indianapolis Kroger contract. Your Union Bargaining Committee presented a comprehensive proposal; the Company offered language proposals. We were able to reach agreement on a number of language items. We expect that our discussion during the next bargaining …

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Workers’ Memorial Day: Fighting for Safe and Healthy Jobs

Every year on April 28—Workers’ Memorial Day—UFCW Local 700 joins workers in the U.S. and around the world to remember those who have suffered or died on the workplace and renew the fight for safe and healthy jobs.   While decades of struggle by workers and their unions have resulted in significant workplace safety laws, …

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UFCW700, Kroger Begin Negotiations for Indianapolis Contract

UFCW Local 700 leaders and members of the UFCW Local 700 Union Bargaining Committee began the process of bargaining a new Indianapolis Kroger contract. The men and women who work in Kroger stores every day are what make the company a market leader in our community. Your Union Bargaining Committee shared our bargaining goals with …

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Union Bargaining Committee Prepares for Negotiations with Kroger

UFCW Local 700 leaders and members of the UFCW Local 700 Union Bargaining Committee are busy preparing for upcoming contract negotiations for the Indianapolis Kroger contract; the current agreement expires in May. The Committee recently met with for an in-depth review of the following: current contract language, current wage scales, health and wellness funding and …

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