Tyson Workers to Receive Bonus Pay

Last year, your Union Bargaining Committee worked tirelessly to reach a new contract that improved wages, protected benefits, and improved safety on the job. Through ongoing effort and collaboration between the Union and Company, we are pleased to announce that Tyson workers shall also receive a one-time bonus. Full-time workers will receive $1,000; part-time workers will receive $500. Bonus checks will be paid …

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UFCW Statement on USDA Decision to Eliminate Line Speed Limits at Pork Plants

Marc Perrone, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW), released the following statement regarding the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) decision to eliminate line speed limits at pork plants. “This desire to increase line speeds is being driven entirely by corporate greed and defies common sense. “Jobs inside pork plants are …

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DEADLINE EXTENDED! Apply Today for UFCW700 Spring Scholarship Contest

UFCW Local 700 is pleased to award a total of $11,000 in scholarships each spring and fall to UFCW Local 700 members or their dependents who have graduated or will graduate from high school, or are currently enrolled in college or trade school. Awards are as follows: Five @ $1,000, Twelve @ $500. Applicants must UFCW …

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UFCW Local 700 Statement on Shooting at South-Side Kroger

United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) Local 700 represents workers in the south-side Indianapolis Kroger store where a shooting last evening resulted in loss of life of a customer. “Our members serve the public every day; we remain committed to ensuring that they are safe on the job. While we do not yet know …

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UFCW Local 700 Welcomes Membership Rep

UFCW Local 700 is proud to announce the addition of Samantha Mansfield as a Membership Representative. In this role, Samantha will primarily be responsible for leading the Union’s portion of New Member Orientation programs. Growing up in Kokomo, Indiana, Samantha was familiar with the United Auto Workers (UAW). When Samantha moved to Ft. Wayne and got …

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Bay Valley Foods Announces Plant Closure; Union to Bargain Over Effects

Bay Valley Foods recently announced it would close the operation in Plymouth, Indiana at the end of 2017; about one hundred members of UFCW Local 700 make pickles at the plant. During contract negotiations earlier this year, the company did not indicate an intention to close the plant and agreed to contract improvements, not concessions, …

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UFCW700 Members at Tyson Approve New Contract

Members of UFCW Local 700 have overwhelmingly approved a new, five-year contract with Tyson Foods in Logansport, IN; the new agreement helps create a more secure future for workers and our families. Thank you to everyone who participated in negotiations by submitting contract proposals, updating your co-workers on the process, and voting on the contract. …

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UFCW Local 700 Opens Fall Scholarship Contest

UFCW Local 700 is pleased to award a total of $11,000 in scholarships each spring and fall to UFCW Local 700 members or their dependents who have graduated or will graduate from high school, or are currently enrolled in college or trade school. Awards are as follows: Five @ $1,000, Twelve @ $500. Applicants must UFCW …

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UFCW Local 700 Makes Statement on Marsh Bankruptcy Filing

Today, UFCW Local 700, who represents more than 13,000 grocery and packing-processing workers in Indiana, released the following statement in response to reports that Marsh Supermarkets has filed for bankruptcy, affecting thousands of employees. “The decision to file bankruptcy leaves thousands of workers at Marsh Supermarkets uncertain about their futures and how they will provide …

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Build a Better Future with UFCW700 Free College Benefit

Through the partnership between UFCW and Eastern Gateway Community, UFCW members and your families can earn a college degree – and won’t have to pay out of your own pocket for tuition, fees, or books. Eastern Gateway Community College is a public, non- profit, regionally accredited school; earned credits transfer to other schools. This benefit …

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