UFCW700, Kroger Exchange Language Proposals for Indianapolis Contract

Your UFCW Local 700 Bargaining Committee met today with representatives from the Kroger Co. We exchanged contract language proposals today; the two sides met separately to consider the proposals, and there were counter-offers on a number of items. We remain focused on negotiating guaranteed wage increases over the life of the contract; protecting affordable, quality …

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UFCW700, Kroger Hold First Meeting for Indianapolis Contract

Your UFCW Local 700 Bargaining Committee met today with representatives from the Kroger Co., and outlined our bargaining goals. We are focused on negotiating guaranteed wage increases over the life of the contract; protecting affordable, quality health care; and securing your retirement benefits for the future. The health care coverage negotiated as part of the …

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Bargaining Dates, Training Set for Upcoming Indy Kroger Contract Negotiations

Your UFCW Local 700 Union Bargaining Committee is preparing for negotiations for a new agreement with Indianapolis Kroger. On April 8, members of the Bargaining Committee will attend a training presented by our union and the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS), a government agency that often assists in contract negotiations and mediation. Negotiations for …

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Union Prepares for Upcoming Indianapolis Kroger Contract Negotiations

The contract between UFCW Local 700 and Kroger Indianapolis expires on May 12, 2019. The agreement covers more than 10,000 workers in over 100 stores in the Indianapolis area. Your UFCW Local 700 Union Bargaining Committee will be comprised of Union leaders and representatives, and 15 members who work in Indianapolis Kroger stores, as well …

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Union Bargaining Committee Progresses in Negotiations with Chartwells

The contract between UFCW Local 700 and Chartwells expires May 3, 2019. We are committed to reaching an agreement that raises pay, increases opportunity, and keeps members safe at work. In our first contract, we stuck together and were able to win workplace improvements that help Chartwells workers and your families to have a better …

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UFCW Local 700 Endorses Bloomington Mayor Hamilton for Re-Election

United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) Local 700 announced the endorsement for Mayor John Hamilton’s re-election today. UFCW Local 700 represents nearly 14,000 workers in supermarkets and food packing, processing, and manufacturing plants and is part of the 1.3 million member United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. “UFCW Local 700 is proud to …

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Congratulations to UFCW Local 700 Scholarship Winners

UFCW Local 700 proudly awards $22,000 per year in scholarships to members and your dependents. Congratulations to our most recent winners: Ricardo Carmargo  Camilo Carmargo, Maple Leaf Brynelle D’Rosa  Genevieve D’Rosa, Kroger J973 Leah Heidema Bloomingfoods Anthony Lem Kroger J339 Angel Hernandez Carolina Medina de Hernandez, Tyson Yoana Hernandez Carolina Medina de Hernandez, Tyson Derek Huffman Kroger …

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UFCW Local 700 endorses Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett for re-election

INDIANAPOLIS, IN – The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 700 announced their endorsement for Mayor Joe Hogsett’s re-election today. Local 700 President Joe Chorpenning named Hogsett’s unwavering support for working men and women in the endorsement. “The United Food and Commercial Workers Local 700 has long been proud to call Mayor Joe Hogsett …

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DEADLINE EXTENDED! UFCW Local 700 Scholarship Program Open

UFCW Local 700 is proud to award $22,000 per year in scholarships to members or dependents. Applicants must be UFCW Local 700 members in good standing, or their legal dependents; have graduated or will graduate from high school or are currently enrolled in college or trade school; must have completed the SAT or ACT; and must be …

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