UFCW700 Calls on JBS for Pay Increases at Plumrose

Over two hundred members of UFCW Local 700 work at the Plumrose plant in Elkhart, which is owned by JBS. They – like other food packing and processing workers – have been working throughout a global crisis and continuing to ensure that people in our community have access to the food they need. Members of …

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UFCW Local 700 Fighting to Continue Hero Pay at Kroger

We’re fighting for the job protections and resources you need. UFCW Presidents in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Kentucky sent a letter to Kroger CEO Rodney McMullen, fighting to continue the Hero Pay. You’ve been on the frontlines of this crisis, and you’re still there, serving the public, making sure that people in our communities have …

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UFCW Local 700 Statement on Tyson Logansport Reopening

Over 14,000 members of UFCW Local 700 are hard at work on the front lines of this crisis – in grocery stores and food processing plants across Indiana. These workers are putting their lives on the line every day to keep our country fed during this deadly outbreak and they must be protected. Our members …

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Temperature Checks at Kroger to Keep Workers Healthy and Well

Our members are working tirelessly to help families in our communities get the essential food and supplies they need. And we’re working to ensure that food workers have the resources and job protections you need. Our members should be safe and healthy on the job, and additional workplace measures will help to ensure that. If …

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Additional PPE Required for Kroger Workers

Nearly 14,000 members of UFCW Local 700 are hard at work on the front lines of this crisis – in grocery stores and food processing plants across Indiana. Our members are working tirelessly to help families in our communities get the essential food and supplies they need. And we’re working to ensure that food workers …

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What Happens if a Co-Worker Tests Positive for COVID-19 [Kroger]

Food Workers across the country are on the frontlines of the coronavirus crisis, continuing to ensure that people and families have access to the food and supplies they need. UFCW is continuing to fight for the resources and job protections you need. If you work at Kroger and another employee test positive for COVID-19, this …

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Indiana Kroger Stores to Close Early on Easter Sunday

Thank you for continuing to ensure folks have the food and supplies they need. We’re fighting for the resources and job protections you need. Indiana Kroger stores will close at 4pm local time on Sunday, April 12 (Easter), to provide additional time off with your families. Should you have any questions or want more information, please contact …

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PPE on the way for Kroger Workers

We’re fighting for the resources and job protections you need.The company agreed to provide a mask and gloves for every worker on each shift; they have notified us this will begin April 11. The Company is working to acquire additional hand sanitizer for all locations. You are permitted – and encouraged – to wear homemade …

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