Your membership in UFCW Local 700 delivers an ever-increasing range of valuable new benefits for you and your family. Cost-savings and discounts that can take you to your local movies, or help you finally afford your dream vacation.
Your local union has teamed up with other UFCW local unions to bring to you an expanded membership discount program that stretches from your neighborhood to neighboring states and regions across the country.
Your new cost-free, personal discount card with your password has been mailed to Local 700 members.
Your UFCW Local 700 discount card gives you easy computer access to shopping, restaurant, entertainment and travel discounts that are available only to you and your family as part of the UFCW. Just log on, put in your password and follow the prompts to all the member discounts.
Here are just a few of the new discounts you will get with the new program:
• AMC, Loews, Regal and UA movie tickets at reduced costs.
• Six Flags, Kings Island, Cedar Point and Disney discount tickets.
•,,, and more for shopping with real cost-savings.
• Blue Crew Sports Grill, Squealers Barbeque, Domino’s Pizza and other popular restaurants give you gift cards at fifty to seventy-five percent off the face value. That means you could get a gift card worth $25 for as little as $10.
Want more discounts at more places? Want discounts at YOUR places in your neighborhood? Your union is building a discount program that includes the places where you like to shop, to relax, to party or to take the family.
Just e-mail your local union at with your suggestions for places you would like to get a discount. Your union will go to work negotiating the best possible deal for additional discounts.
Together, we are working and living better.