Bay Valley Foods Announces Plant Closure; Union to Bargain Over Effects

Bay Valley Foods recently announced it would close the operation in Plymouth, Indiana at the end of 2017; about one hundred members of UFCW Local 700 make pickles at the plant. During contract negotiations earlier this year, the company did not indicate an intention to close the plant and agreed to contract improvements, not concessions, …

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UFCW700 Members at Tyson Approve New Contract

Members of UFCW Local 700 have overwhelmingly approved a new, five-year contract with Tyson Foods in Logansport, IN; the new agreement helps create a more secure future for workers and our families. Thank you to everyone who participated in negotiations by submitting contract proposals, updating your co-workers on the process, and voting on the contract. …

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UFCW700 Adds New Staff Position to Better Enforce Contracts

UFCW Local 700 members work together to build a better life for our members and all middle class families. Members recently approved a dues restructure to build a bigger, stronger union, and to give us more resources and power at the bargaining table, in organizing new members, and in strengthening our communities. This week, Jason …

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UFCW700 Members at ConAgra Dairy Approve New Four-Year Contract

UFCW Local 700 members at ConAgra Dairy in Indianapolis have overwhelmingly approved a new, four-year contract. The Union Bargaining Committee focused on protecting and increasing benefits and fair treatment for everyone working in the plant. The new contract: Raises wages, closes the 2-tier wage gap, and provides a lump sum payment Increases pension benefits Maintains …

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UFCW President Perrone Makes Statement on Amazon Go

Marc Perrone, International President of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW), the largest private sector union in the nation, made the following statement about Amazon Go: “Amazon believes that America’s hard-working men and women are irrelevant to customers – they couldn’t be more wrong. The amazing people who work inside grocery stores are …

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Holiday Season Brought to You by Members of UFCW

After a long and divisive election, it is time for all of us to celebrate the spirit of a holiday season that brings us all together. As America’s food union, United Food and Commercial Workers members proudly prepare and make many of the foods that families all across the Hoosier state and this nation will …

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UFCW Local 700 Members at ConAgra Bakery Approve First Union Contract

In June, workers at ConAgra in Indianapolis chose to join the UFCW Local 700 union family; last week, members approved their first union contract! Together, and thanks to the efforts of the Union Bargaining Committee and SubCommittee, we reached an agreement that provides a better life, a more secure future, and respect on the job …

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UFCW700 Members Approve First Contract with Chartwells

After fighting for years to win their union, workers at Chartwells approved their first contract! About sixty people work in cafeteria services at Anderson University; they are employed by Compass Group, a major corporation that manages vending machines and cafeteria staff for mostly schools, private prisons, and large workplaces. Like too many other companies across …

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UFCW700 Members Approve New Indianapolis Kroger Contract

UFCWMembers of UFCW Local 700 approved a new three-year contract for over 8,000 Kroger workers in the Indianapolis area. The new agreement includes guaranteed wage increases; improves contract language; secures quality, affordable health care; maintains employee weekly contributions; and protects retirement security. These contract gains are in addition to new, higher wage scales and advance …

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UFCW700, Kroger Reach Tentative Agreement for Indianapolis Contract

  Your UFCW Local 700 Union Bargaining Committee reached a tentative agreement with the Company for a new Indianapolis Kroger contract. The proposed three-year agreement includes guaranteed wage increases; improves contract language; secures quality, affordable health care; maintains employee weekly contributions; and protects retirement security. We were able to complete bargaining more quickly than normal …

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